It has been real long since I last update my blog??
hahas.. yeas..
was busy wif FYP, studies n tests too. <*1 word: BORING!>
made real lots of frens tis semester since
everyday diff class.. LOL!
lessons were alright?? hahas..
Mm.. basically.......,
Year 3 = no time, no fun, no sleep, no work (MONEY!!) ARGHS!!!!! =(
well, finally IT'S HOLIDAYS!! HOHOHO!!
I so gonna work I guess??
Meet up wif frens is a sure thing! =P
*I'm coming I'm coming!* lalala...
Many things happen to me during my missing from updating
partly is due to no time to update? or I should say I'm lazy?
seriously dun haf the mood to update
n dunno wat to update..
dere are certain things tat I cant disclose here.
but I'm sure *YOU* can sense it??
Ok next topic,
really appreciate Jane for always dere to console me when I'm sad?
can u believe she hold me hand all the way from sch to causeway pt? LOL!
and the funny thing is tat she has sweaty palms so she put my hand on her hand (wrist) makes me look like those empress dowager walking? LOL!!!
aft tat we went to KFC to eat
and once again Jane is back to VEGETARIAN!
so she see us eat (she got eat coleslaw lahs) hahas..
I really like the gals talk we had tat day wif Jane, Wendy n Eileen!
ok, enough of my talking today, here's some pics!
Yesterday 24/08, was DADDY'S BIRTHDAY!
had dinner wif daddy, mummy n jiejie aft my last UT at tis Jap buffet at JP
called KUISHIN BO..
buffet was alright but ex lehs..

Wedding dinner of Andy and Meible at Ritz Carlton..
dinner was alright,
shark fins, abalone, chicken, fish... and I like the desert!

mummy, jiejie, me, daddy, louise, leslie, lady boss, keith

and lastly, not to forget my darling's photos! =)
seeing prawns swimming at jp ntuc

eating mayo at fish n co. jp
can u believe she likes mayo? lol..

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