was supposed to post tis post on sat de.
cos I was so happy
I passed my BTEvaluation!!
u noe what,
I was so afraid of failing e BTE as during e BTPractices,
I keep getting failed.
-must be at least 90% pass
-which means must ans at least 63/70 questions correct if not FAILED!
My percentage was 93% (PASSED!!).. 65/70 questions correct.
But I tink I can do better de.
Hope I can do better in my BTTest.
I aim to score 98% for it which is 68/70 questions correct.
Well, is another boring day.
Mummy bought KFC jus now
so eat liao then bathe.
went open letter-box jus now and my clothes haf arrived! YEA!
I like e floral dress.
Gonna wear it tml for e dinner. =)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Today is Daddy's bday!!
Jiejie, Zhiyong and me bought a Philips electronic shaver for daddy
tat was actually wat daddy wanted as his bday present.
The shaver was chosen by me.
I see bery long then asked the saleman for recommendations,
and u noe wat, he got me e most ex one in tat glass drawer display!!
It costs $129, quite reasonable I guess. haha.
In e display got $39, $49, $78 and so on...
Woke up so-called early to me on sunday today
cos gg bai bai ah gong (daddy de daddy).
Aft tat mummy sae wan go airport again for ice-cream
but daddy sae wanna haf coffee at some cafe at T3
so we suggested TCC!! (The Coffee Connoisseur)
suppose to jus haf a drink but in e end end up eating pasta, chicken pie, deep blue pack, prawn cheese-a-toast and 4 cakes!! WOW!! UNBELIEVABLE!!
daddy sae we look like 恐龙 (dinosaur) RAWR!
then aft tat walk walk awhile then sent zy back home cos he got to book-in ltr. =(
and here are the pictures,
Our beloved DADDY

some of our food

had alot of fun today
and now I'm off to watch my downloaded 沸腾冰点 le.
candy dreams pple!!
Friday, August 22, 2008
received 2 calls from BBDC today
one in e afternoon and one in e evening.
both reminding me abt my Basic Theory Practice and Basic Theory Evaluation tml.
I'm getting nervous already.
If I failed, my Basic Theory Test(BTT) on e 2nd Sept will be CANCELLED!! OMG!!
Was telling WeiHao am nervous jus now
and u noe wat??
he sae I siao char bo!!
Grrr... *angry*
I really want to pass my evaluation tml so I can take my BTT as scheduled. =)
OK, I tink tat's all.
Candy dreams. =)
one in e afternoon and one in e evening.
both reminding me abt my Basic Theory Practice and Basic Theory Evaluation tml.
I'm getting nervous already.
If I failed, my Basic Theory Test(BTT) on e 2nd Sept will be CANCELLED!! OMG!!
Was telling WeiHao am nervous jus now
and u noe wat??
he sae I siao char bo!!
Grrr... *angry*
I really want to pass my evaluation tml so I can take my BTT as scheduled. =)
OK, I tink tat's all.
Candy dreams. =)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
I'm really bored
I promise to be a good gal tis few daes.
and I am doing tt now.
It is not as easy as I tot it to be.
I got no mood to go out.
suppose to haf a few gathering to attend to
but I decided not to go.
the impact cause by them was really too big.
I tot I can forget with time but now, I found out tat I CAN'T!!!
I did not expect things will turn out to be like tis.
I dunno wat happen
I really wan someone to tell me.
Everyday I wake up like 3 plus 4.
Waking up wif nth to do
and jus tink n tink
and I am doing tt now.
It is not as easy as I tot it to be.
I got no mood to go out.
suppose to haf a few gathering to attend to
but I decided not to go.
the impact cause by them was really too big.
I tot I can forget with time but now, I found out tat I CAN'T!!!
I did not expect things will turn out to be like tis.
I dunno wat happen
I really wan someone to tell me.
Everyday I wake up like 3 plus 4.
Waking up wif nth to do
and jus tink n tink
The impact is too much =(
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Suppose to wake up at 1pm to prepare for the lesson later
but in e end woke up at 2.15pm!!
din wan to get up of bed
the more I slp, the more slpy I get.
No choice lesson booked liao so mus go.
wanted to take bus dere de but late liao so take train lor.
And u noe, dere's tis kid I tink not singaporean
he was like super noisy in e train lah climb here climb dere
and e mum doesnt care
I blast my music and I still can hear his voice. -.-!
I really feel like scolding him lah!!
but in end, I did not. haha!!
Today's driving lesson 1.02 was rather boring.
perhaps its due to e different in e instructor bah.
yesterday tt one better at least able to caught my attention. =)
The lesson keep showing us videos on accidents. hais
the way how accidents happens.
wat are the consequences.
why it happens. and many many more.
but surprisingly, I did not fall aslp. haha.
Went to e helpdesk aft e lesson
asked abt my theory test thingy cos mus pass evaluation 14days before BTT ma
and I haf not taken my evaluation (BTT is on 2nd Sep)
its less than 14days liao.
aft some discussion wif e instructor, he help me book a practice for e evaluation whereby it will show how Qs are being phrased in e test n evaluation
and its on tis coming sat 23/08/08. OMG!!
I haf to pass e evaluation for e first-time if not my BTT will be cancelled!!
So I got to put my heart in to study liao.
I wan faster get license!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nothing to do much todae so went home aft the lesson and reach hm at ard 7.30pm
had dinner and watch tv and a while more slp again.
am a little tired though.. *YAWNS!!*
It's such a boring day!!
but in e end woke up at 2.15pm!!
din wan to get up of bed
the more I slp, the more slpy I get.
No choice lesson booked liao so mus go.
wanted to take bus dere de but late liao so take train lor.
And u noe, dere's tis kid I tink not singaporean
he was like super noisy in e train lah climb here climb dere
and e mum doesnt care
I blast my music and I still can hear his voice. -.-!
I really feel like scolding him lah!!
but in end, I did not. haha!!
Today's driving lesson 1.02 was rather boring.
perhaps its due to e different in e instructor bah.
yesterday tt one better at least able to caught my attention. =)
The lesson keep showing us videos on accidents. hais
the way how accidents happens.
wat are the consequences.
why it happens. and many many more.
but surprisingly, I did not fall aslp. haha.
Went to e helpdesk aft e lesson
asked abt my theory test thingy cos mus pass evaluation 14days before BTT ma
and I haf not taken my evaluation (BTT is on 2nd Sep)
its less than 14days liao.
aft some discussion wif e instructor, he help me book a practice for e evaluation whereby it will show how Qs are being phrased in e test n evaluation
and its on tis coming sat 23/08/08. OMG!!
I haf to pass e evaluation for e first-time if not my BTT will be cancelled!!
So I got to put my heart in to study liao.
I wan faster get license!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nothing to do much todae so went home aft the lesson and reach hm at ard 7.30pm
had dinner and watch tv and a while more slp again.
am a little tired though.. *YAWNS!!*
It's such a boring day!!
driving lesson,
Monday, August 18, 2008
A day at T2
Spend some times wif daddy and mummy at T2 yesterdae over a lunch n a desert.
Had lunch at SAKAE SUSHI!
We like the Sakae at Changi Airport as everything dere was freshhhhh.
Order a lot of things.
Got Soft-Shell Crab, Saba Shioyaki, Salmon Sashimi, Amaebi Sashimi, Kajiki Sashimi and many many more.
Love gg wif daddy cos go wif daddy no need pay myself and is all eat ala carte de.
I can order wat I want so long as I can finish it.
Aft tat, went Swensen's for ICE-CREAM!! Yummy Yummy!!
We each order one and also a Hot US Fries. Wow!! Fat liao Fat liao. HAHAHA!!
And here's are the photos.
~Lovely & Loving Cute DADDY MUMMY

~~Daddy Mummy & ME!!

~~FireHouse Happy Bday (dad's)

~~Gold Rush (mum's)

~~Frosted Chocolate Malt (and its mine!)

And aft tt, I went off to do my own stuffs.
As for Today, its quite a boring day.
Daddy go work, Mummy went for mj session, Sis go work n I went for my driving lesson.
I woke up late n haf no choice but cab dere.
Waited super long for e cab
I wan cab, no cab, dun wan cab, then got alot. Grrrr!!
It costs me $8.10 to reach BBDC.
When I was paying money tt time tinking the cabbie will saw $8 will do
But in e end, he ask me got $0.10?? -.-!
So I gave him $10.10 n got back change $2.
The lesson was quite fun as the instructor, W K LIM is rather a funny guy!
I like e way he teach.
I enjoy myself in tt lesson. Hope tml de instructor will still be him.
Alright, got to stop here le.
Tired lo.
Got lesson tml too. =)
Had lunch at SAKAE SUSHI!
We like the Sakae at Changi Airport as everything dere was freshhhhh.
Order a lot of things.
Got Soft-Shell Crab, Saba Shioyaki, Salmon Sashimi, Amaebi Sashimi, Kajiki Sashimi and many many more.
Love gg wif daddy cos go wif daddy no need pay myself and is all eat ala carte de.
I can order wat I want so long as I can finish it.
Aft tat, went Swensen's for ICE-CREAM!! Yummy Yummy!!
We each order one and also a Hot US Fries. Wow!! Fat liao Fat liao. HAHAHA!!
And here's are the photos.
~Lovely & Loving Cute DADDY MUMMY

~~Daddy Mummy & ME!!

~~FireHouse Happy Bday (dad's)

~~Gold Rush (mum's)

~~Frosted Chocolate Malt (and its mine!)

And aft tt, I went off to do my own stuffs.
As for Today, its quite a boring day.
Daddy go work, Mummy went for mj session, Sis go work n I went for my driving lesson.
I woke up late n haf no choice but cab dere.
Waited super long for e cab
I wan cab, no cab, dun wan cab, then got alot. Grrrr!!
It costs me $8.10 to reach BBDC.
When I was paying money tt time tinking the cabbie will saw $8 will do
But in e end, he ask me got $0.10?? -.-!
So I gave him $10.10 n got back change $2.
The lesson was quite fun as the instructor, W K LIM is rather a funny guy!
I like e way he teach.
I enjoy myself in tt lesson. Hope tml de instructor will still be him.
Alright, got to stop here le.
Tired lo.
Got lesson tml too. =)
Sakae Sushi,
Friday, August 15, 2008
Third day since holidays has start...
Woke up at 8 in e morning to acc mummy to go pray pray as todae is the 15th of 7th Lunar Month (Ghost Festival *scared!!)
Took a cab from home wif mummy and go down tpy to fetch my mum's bro, my 3rd uncle
Then proceed to bai bai..
total got 3 places to go..Bishan and 2 temples at Sin Ming Ave.
Wosh..u noe wat? the weather was super duper hot lah.
I was wearing black and i sweat like HELL...
Finish bai bai ard 12 plus then took a cab down to Si Ma Lu Guanyin Temple to pray pray then while walking to bugis junction to makan, I suddenly haf the urge to eat the Gui Ling Gao!! *which costs like $5 per bowl?? but its nice!!
Then we walk along bugis street to bugis junction and it was like so hot??
Packed wif pple..
Then I suddenly found out tat it has been a long time since I go bugis for a walk..
Nowadays, normally hang out at shopping malls like marina sq and vivo..
start to get sick of it liao..but wat to do..singapore is so small..wat can i expect?
Come back ard 3 plus bathe liao serve awhile net then suddenly bery sleepy so went to slp..tot of someone will eventually msg me ltr to wake me up but who noes my phone batt went dead and i like wake up at 7plus?? haha..
Went for dinner wif daddy and mummy at nearby.
fulled as usual.
then come back for my usual movie session..
And u noe wat..
I haf finally booked my Theory Lessons 1.01 and 1.02 for my driving!!
I really aim to finish the whole driving course within half a month..
But i heard my frens sae is impossible!!
I wan to take my driving license b4 my bday..
As I wan to fetch someone (*u noe who u are*) out to celebrate wif me.
It has always been u e one driving
I really hope I can drive u one day
and i am pending for it every now and then..
I tink I should stop here le.
It getting late already.
Tml still got to wake up super early to go dad's company to help wif the company annually bai bai thingy.
Nite pple. Swt drmz.. =)
Woke up at 8 in e morning to acc mummy to go pray pray as todae is the 15th of 7th Lunar Month (Ghost Festival *scared!!)
Took a cab from home wif mummy and go down tpy to fetch my mum's bro, my 3rd uncle
Then proceed to bai bai..
total got 3 places to go..Bishan and 2 temples at Sin Ming Ave.
Wosh..u noe wat? the weather was super duper hot lah.
I was wearing black and i sweat like HELL...
Finish bai bai ard 12 plus then took a cab down to Si Ma Lu Guanyin Temple to pray pray then while walking to bugis junction to makan, I suddenly haf the urge to eat the Gui Ling Gao!! *which costs like $5 per bowl?? but its nice!!
Then we walk along bugis street to bugis junction and it was like so hot??
Packed wif pple..
Then I suddenly found out tat it has been a long time since I go bugis for a walk..
Nowadays, normally hang out at shopping malls like marina sq and vivo..
start to get sick of it liao..but wat to do..singapore is so small..wat can i expect?
Come back ard 3 plus bathe liao serve awhile net then suddenly bery sleepy so went to slp..tot of someone will eventually msg me ltr to wake me up but who noes my phone batt went dead and i like wake up at 7plus?? haha..
Went for dinner wif daddy and mummy at nearby.
fulled as usual.
then come back for my usual movie session..
And u noe wat..
I haf finally booked my Theory Lessons 1.01 and 1.02 for my driving!!
I really aim to finish the whole driving course within half a month..
But i heard my frens sae is impossible!!
I wan to take my driving license b4 my bday..
As I wan to fetch someone (*u noe who u are*) out to celebrate wif me.
It has always been u e one driving
I really hope I can drive u one day
and i am pending for it every now and then..
I tink I should stop here le.
It getting late already.
Tml still got to wake up super early to go dad's company to help wif the company annually bai bai thingy.
Nite pple. Swt drmz.. =)
Thursday, August 14, 2008
why things become like tis!?!?!
It's already midnight already and i am still awake.
Dad's not rushing me to slp and no one cares wat time i go slp..
Todae is e 2nd or i should sae 3rd dae since holiday starts..
And i am feeling bored already..
Many things happen recently..
I do not noe whr should i start wif..
I haf been feeling really down recently..
I asked myself wat actually happened? Why has things suddenly become like tis?!?
Wat went wrong between my class and I?
Did I do anything tat makes them detests me?
I tried asking them wat happened? Did I do anything wrong tat u all do not wan me to hang out wif u all anymore?
I am seriously lost..
I do not noe who to speak to..or i should sae there isn't anyone I can speak to..
I had tried picking up my phone to msg my frens to tell them but...
on second tots, those msgs were nv send out..
All these are my own business, why should I bother others?
I had wanted to tell him but eventually I didn't..
I haf always put up a brave front in front of him.. I do not wan him to see me in tis state..
I cherish friendship more than anything..
I seriously do not noe wat cause the 360 degrees change..
Till now, i haf not given up on this friendship tat we built in the pass 16wks..
I am still trying ways to salvage tis piece of friendship..and I still do now..
Trust me, I am someone who cherishes frens more than anything else..
My area of frens has gradually decreased..
I do not haf much time to keep in contact wif all my frens..
Like taking Xinmin pri for example, I could only remember NingZhi and no one else..
As for JTPS, its not too bad.. I had Clarence(sister!), Dickson, ShiHua..
BLSS?? yea some, Bestia, Denise, LiLi, Samuel, WeiHao and etc..
I should not sae anymore..
I jus wan to salvage e friendship tat i had wif my class..
Dad's not rushing me to slp and no one cares wat time i go slp..
Todae is e 2nd or i should sae 3rd dae since holiday starts..
And i am feeling bored already..
Many things happen recently..
I do not noe whr should i start wif..
I haf been feeling really down recently..
I asked myself wat actually happened? Why has things suddenly become like tis?!?
Wat went wrong between my class and I?
Did I do anything tat makes them detests me?
I tried asking them wat happened? Did I do anything wrong tat u all do not wan me to hang out wif u all anymore?
I am seriously lost..
I do not noe who to speak to..or i should sae there isn't anyone I can speak to..
I had tried picking up my phone to msg my frens to tell them but...
on second tots, those msgs were nv send out..
All these are my own business, why should I bother others?
I had wanted to tell him but eventually I didn't..
I haf always put up a brave front in front of him.. I do not wan him to see me in tis state..
I cherish friendship more than anything..
I seriously do not noe wat cause the 360 degrees change..
Till now, i haf not given up on this friendship tat we built in the pass 16wks..
I am still trying ways to salvage tis piece of friendship..and I still do now..
Trust me, I am someone who cherishes frens more than anything else..
My area of frens has gradually decreased..
I do not haf much time to keep in contact wif all my frens..
Like taking Xinmin pri for example, I could only remember NingZhi and no one else..
As for JTPS, its not too bad.. I had Clarence(sister!), Dickson, ShiHua..
BLSS?? yea some, Bestia, Denise, LiLi, Samuel, WeiHao and etc..
I should not sae anymore..
I jus wan to salvage e friendship tat i had wif my class..
my blog
I haf always wonder wat is so good abt blogging?
But i suddenly haf the urge to set up a blog.
While browsing thru my documents on my lappie, i found out tat i actually do haf a blog.
It all happens like 3 to 4 yrs ago, when i was still with my ex.
I set up the blog wif the help of a friend, Denise.
She noes rather lots of things abt me and my ex from e start till we ended.
But... there was only one post in e blog at tat time as i do not haf e time to update..
Anyway, thanks Denise for the help in helping me set up my blog..
But i suddenly haf the urge to set up a blog.
While browsing thru my documents on my lappie, i found out tat i actually do haf a blog.
It all happens like 3 to 4 yrs ago, when i was still with my ex.
I set up the blog wif the help of a friend, Denise.
She noes rather lots of things abt me and my ex from e start till we ended.
But... there was only one post in e blog at tat time as i do not haf e time to update..
Anyway, thanks Denise for the help in helping me set up my blog..
how my blog come abt
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