Today is Daddy's bday!!
Jiejie, Zhiyong and me bought a Philips electronic shaver for daddy
tat was actually wat daddy wanted as his bday present.
The shaver was chosen by me.
I see bery long then asked the saleman for recommendations,
and u noe wat, he got me e most ex one in tat glass drawer display!!
It costs $129, quite reasonable I guess. haha.
In e display got $39, $49, $78 and so on...
Woke up so-called early to me on sunday today
cos gg bai bai ah gong (daddy de daddy).
Aft tat mummy sae wan go airport again for ice-cream
but daddy sae wanna haf coffee at some cafe at T3
so we suggested TCC!! (The Coffee Connoisseur)
suppose to jus haf a drink but in e end end up eating pasta, chicken pie, deep blue pack, prawn cheese-a-toast and 4 cakes!! WOW!! UNBELIEVABLE!!
daddy sae we look like 恐龙 (dinosaur) RAWR!
then aft tat walk walk awhile then sent zy back home cos he got to book-in ltr. =(
and here are the pictures,
Our beloved DADDY

some of our food

had alot of fun today
and now I'm off to watch my downloaded 沸腾冰点 le.
candy dreams pple!!
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